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Welcome to Team Kashoo: Greg Fandrick

By October 2, 2012February 26th, 2019No Comments

Team Kashoo is growing by leaps and bounds lately. Our latest addition? Greg Fandrick.

Greg joins the team from not too far away. He was most recently the GM at TaxSherpas, a Kashoo sister company focused on bringing online tax planning and preparation to the small business market, especially those that have outgrown solutions like QuickTax or H&R Block.

Greg Fandrick

For Kashoo, Greg will operate as VP of Marketing which means… he’ll be tackling a whole lot of everything, ranging from customer engagement, feedback and wishlists to actualizing our brand promise of making accounting a bit more fun and a lot simpler. From Greg’s perspective, it’s all about showing the customer how mobile, on-demand accounting can be “as and when required” instead of “month end” or “quarterly dread.”

So why Kashoo, Greg? The answer’s actual pretty simple. Greg’s excited about a solution whose time has come. No more annual CD purchased at the office superstore, no more endless email threads with the bookkeeper. Instead, it’s about real-time, mobile, on-demand accounting as a part of doing business; not a distraction. That’s the promise he thinks Kashoo can fulfil. And that’s where we’re headed.

But there’s more to it. Enter Greg’s massage therapist. (Pipe down, everyone! There’s a thoroughly appropriate point here.) Said massage therapist is a mobile massage therapist. And she works hard. Greg noticed that, after a session, she had a lot of gear to pack up. On top of that, she had to take the time to write out a manual receipt, so he asked her how she tracks all that paper. You can guess the response: shoebox accounting, year-end crunches, a vague picture of cash flow, expenses missed, taxes due… lots of anxiety. Greg told her about Kashoo and demonstrated the iPad app. Upon her next visit, she was raving! After packing up, she cranked out an invoice on her Kashoo iPad app and emailed Greg a copy. Best part? She did this all while booking the next session. Accounting had become a minor task.

So that’s Greg Fandrick. He’s excited to join the team and is happy to answer any questions you might have. Shoot him an email at

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