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Give your clients the simplest tool for tracking income and expenses, so they’re ready for tax time.

Stay connected to your clients’ data year-round, and export everything you need to QuickBooks in a snap. Join our CPA program today!

    Stay connected with your clients

    Spend 15 minutes or less on your clients’ books weekly with TrulySmall Accounting’s smart inbox.

    Help your clients get paid

    Get set up to take credit card payments in a minute. All transactions and fees get categorized perfectly.

    Reports in one click

    Get every financial report you need to make brilliant recommendations and prepare an accurate tax filing.

    Designed for Accountants with DIY Bookkeeping Clients

    Intuitive and easy-to-use accounting software that just makes sense.

    Discount for All Your Clients

    Recommend TS Accounting for your DIY bookkeeping clients at a great rate.

    Full Access to All the Data

    Collaborate with your clients and have all the access you need to numbers and reports.

    Export to QuickBooks

    Easy export to QuickBooks for year-end or tax-time.


    Free, hands-on guidance for your clients using any Kashoo products.

    Have confidence knowing your clients’ software questions will be answered right the first time

    Sign Up Today


    Can my clients use TS Accounting on a mobile device?

    Clients can access TS Accounting from their desktop, their tablet, or using the companion app on their mobile phone! Stay connected with them wherever they go. Have all the data you need at your fingertips.

    Do I have to be a TS Accounting user?

    No. Simply recommend TS Accounting to your clients, and we’ll get them set up and running. They grant you access to their account so you can pull the reports and data you need and import into whatever software you use daily.

    Can I export data to QuickBooks or other software?

    Absolutely! You can export all the data you need in just a few simple steps. Make tax-time with every single client a snap.

    How can I be sure that TS Accounting is right for my clients?

    TS Accounting is perfect for small business owners who want to track their income and expenses on-the-go. We offer a free 14 day trial with no credit card required. We even take this a step further by offering a money-back guarantee.

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