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I want to keep an eye on my spending and budget for my small business

TrulySmall Expenses automatically tracks your expenses, sorts through personal and business spending, and helps to create budgets that notifies you when you’re reaching your limit.

I want to separate business and personal expenses

Banks don’t make it easy for you to open a business bank account. TrulySmall Expenses allows you to easily separate business and personal expenses even if you have 1 shared credit card.

You can even toggle between your two dashboards so you can keep an eye on both business and personal spending.

I want to start budgeting for my business

Create a budget within TrulySmall Expenses and we’ll keep an eye on your spending for you! Set spending limits for any of your categories and we’ll let you know when you’re getting close.

I want to understand my spending

Get instant reports and graphs showing you all of your spending insights. View your top categories, monthly budgeting targets, spending trends, and more!

I want to keep digital copies of my receipts and automatically enter them into the app

Using OCR technology, we’ll enter all of your receipt details automatically. Just snap a photo and we’ll scan, read, and enter your receipt details as a transaction! We’ll also save all of your receipts digitally so you can avoid the annual tax audit anxiety.

I’m not ready for any apps

Not sure about invoicing tools yet? We get it! Download and use our designer-made budget templates totally free! No matter what industry you’re in, we’ve got something for you.

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