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Kashoo & TrulySmall Are Now Apart of The DataTax Family!

By March 5, 2024No Comments

Beyond just software updates for our apps across TrulySmall and Kashoo, we have some other exciting news to share for 2024. Kashoo and TrulySmall are now officially under the flagship of DataTax! DataTax is a driving force behind several renowned financial service and software companies and we’re excited to continue building our apps and resources as a part of the DataTax family. This union is more than just a structural change, it’s a decision that will enhance and streamline the products and services that the Kashoo and TrulySmall community currently receives.

Kashoo & TrulySmall Are Now Apart of The DataTax Family! What does this mean for you as a customer?

Nothing will change around the service and software access you currently receive from Kashoo and TrulySmall. Being a part of the DataTax family opens up new avenues for collaboration amongst the different companies, so as a part of our community you’ll actually have access to more resources, diverse expertise, and services in the coming year. Ultimately, our aim is to provide you with the network of financial services, resources, and tools that your small business needs to grow and succeed!

What stays the same?

The commitment our team has to building world-class financial tools and resources for our community remains unwavering. You can continue to rely on the same user-friendly apps and tools, live human support through all the current channels, and innovative feature enhancements and updates. Your data security and privacy will also remain our top priority. As a TrulySmall or Kashoo customer, your information will continue to be protected through the highest security measures and with the same diligence and care as before.

Your overall experience across our apps and websites won’t change, with the exception of additional access to financial experts and tools from the DataTax group. As we grow as a company under DataTax, you’ll reap the rewards and see more value in the products we create and share. Exciting times lie ahead and we’re so thankful we have you to share the journey with.

Thank you for being an integral part of our journey so far, and we can’t wait to create more helpful tools and resources for you as a small business owner!

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