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Multi-Currency Is HERE for TrulySmall Accounting!

By December 13, 2021No Comments

If you’re a small business that works with clients and vendors in different countries, then you know the importance of having multi-currency compatibility in your accounting software! We recently launched our multi-currency feature within TrulySmall Accounting just for you.


For existing users, all you have to do to access this new feature is by heading to your ‘Settings’, ‘Business Details’ and turning it on under ‘Features’. If you started your TrulySmall Accounting account after this blog post was published, your new ‘Multi-Currency Support’ is already turned on and available for use!


How It Works

Once your ‘Multi-Currency Support’ is turned on, you’ll be able to select the Currency of each transaction that comes through your inbox under the ‘Cur.’ column. You’ll also be able to go back to previous transactions on your ‘Transactions’ page and make adjustments as needed.

Currency can also be changed in the editing screen whether you’re editing one transaction or bulk-editing multiple transactions.


Reporting Changes

If your business uses the Multi-Currency feature, your reports will show your data with different currency options. Reports like your Balance Sheet will provide the option to generate the report in either Multi-Currency format (keeping the currencies separate) or in your Primary Currency (converting all currencies into the home currency using rates on the day that the report is generated).

Multi-Currency Reports

Your dashboard will always show your data visually in your Primary Currency.

What are you waiting for? Take your business on-the-road!

Multi-Currency is now available for all TrulySmall Accounting users and we’re ready to grow with your business internationally! If you have any questions about your account and the use of this new feature, reach out to our support at any time using the Live Chat button on our website home page or email us at

TrulySmall Accounting helps small business owners save time

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