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20 Questions with Kashoo’s Maria Abagis

By April 29, 2013February 26th, 2019No Comments

It’s 20 Questions time! So without further delay, let’s sit down with Kashoo small business accounting software developer, Maria Abagis…

Full name?
Maria Abagis

Title at Kashoo?
Software Developer

What are you primarily responsible for at Kashoo?
We all wear a lot of hats but my primary responsibilities include software development, planning, gathering and defining requirements.

Before Kashoo, what were you working on?
Right before Kashoo, I spent 18 months traveling. Prior to that, I was working as a developer and project manager for a company that builds software for mobile workers.

What does your current computing rig look like?
I use an iMac.

What do you love most about Vancouver?
The tried and true reasons: the sea, the mountains and the great opportunities for outdoor activities.

Any pets?
While I am absolutely an animal lover, no pets at the moment.

Are you at all musically inclined?
Not in the least. I don’t play an instrument. I can’t sing. And based on the cringing looks I get when do feebly attempt to belt out a tune, I suspect am totally tone deaf. I also can’t dance. *sigh*

Coffee or Tea? Neither?
Copious, copious amounts of coffee.

Any favorite iPad or iPhone apps?
I love watching TED talks so I use that app a lot.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

How many Apple devices do you have in your possession?
At the moment, four.

What’s your favorite type of music?
World, rock.

Do you have a favorite movie?
There are too many to pick from but the last one I really liked was Searching For Sugar Man which chronicles the fascinating story of Rodriguez (see trailer below). Coincidentally I was recently in South Africa when Rodriguez played a series of shows, but they were all sold out!

What do you love most about Kashoo customers?

It takes an adventurous spirit to start your own business and they all seem to have that.

Out of towners ask you for a Vancouver dinner recommendation. Where do you send them?
Nuba, for great Lebanese food. Ordering the “Najib’s Special” is a must.

You get one superpower. What is it?
I’d say the ability to understand and speak all languages. I love to travel so being able to have conversations and connect with people anywhere I go would be incredible. (Though I have to admit, it can sometimes be pretty awesome and immersive when you find yourself getting by knowing just a few words and phrases.)

You get an all expenses paid trip, where would you go?
Everywhere. Its good to dream big, right?

Do you have a favorite outdoor activity?

What about a favorite dessert?
Gelato: nero and caffe in a waffle cone.


And that, Kashoo’ers, is Maria Abagis… software developer, cyclist and much more!


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