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Accounting Basics

Keeping Online Accounting Simple for the Small Business Owner!

By August 17, 2017December 6th, 2023No Comments

For most small business owners accounting is a necessary evil required to keep track of basic income and expenses to file taxes. Every year we see thousands of small business owners sign up for Kashoo days before a tax deadline and enter month’s worth of receipts and deposits. While this is a legitimate way to deal with bookkeeping, our mission is to make accounting simpler and reduce the stress and paperwork that accompanies tax time.

Keeping it Simple with Online Accounting

In Defense of Spreadsheets

The vast majority of small business owners use excel or another spreadsheet to track income and expenses. And why not? It’s simple, cheap, fast, and a huge step beyond handing your accountant a box of faded receipts and printed bank statements. For many business owners, accounting software is overkill. It is designed for bookkeepers, expensive, and provides all sorts of features and reports that are more confusing than helpful.

The Magic of Kashoo Mini-Reports

While we love spreadsheets as much as the next accounting person, but they have glaring limitations. We detailed these in our tax time post “Still using Excel for Accounting?“. However, the fact remains that many people still default to Excel because it’s simple. No need to understand debits and credits and when you add a new expense you immediately see the change in your bottom line. That’s the magic of Kashoo Mini-Reports, every time you add an expense or invoice your numbers and accounts update automatically on the same screen. This instant feedback and single screen are a big reason how Kashoo makes accounting simple.


Numbers in Hand

Another way we keep Kashoo simple is to make it a snap to capture expenses and receipts on the go. Our iOS apps make it a snap to take a picture of a receipt and store it in the cloud. This means your expenses and paperwork are always backed up, secure, and easily reviewable by you or your accountant anytime, anywhere. A quick glance at your phone and you can see account balances, money coming in, bills to pay, taxes owing, and a detailed income and expense statement.

Continued Simplicity – iOS Update

This week we’re rolling out a big update to our iOS apps with performance improvements, an updated look, and lots of time-saving features. The most visible change is on our iPhone App where we’ve simplified the navigation and reduced the number of taps required to enter expenses and invoice clients. So whether you enter transactions on the go or sort through your shoebox at tax deadline, Kashoo will have you covered.


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