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Kashoo Webinar Updates: New Offerings, Still Free!

By October 28, 2013February 26th, 2019No Comments

This time of year makes most people think of pumpkins, warm soup and sweater weather. While that holds true for most of us here at Kashoo, we’re taking October to announce the expansion of our webinar series. So what does that means?

In addition to our regular schedule, free Kashoo training webinars that can teach you how to use Kashoo for iPad and the web, we’re adding two offerings:

  1. Accounting Tips & Tricks – This is where we’ll talk all things accounting. From the basic principles to providing your accountant with exactly what he or she needs come tax time, this webinar series will help you get comfortable with your business finances.
  2. Small Business Success – Running a small business is hard work and sometimes some expert tips and advice can help. In this series, we’ll provide small business strategies and best practices, host industry experts, and much much more.

Each Kashoo webinar will be hosted by our own Kasey Bayne who’s always more than happy to help you out with whatever you need. (Tweet her right now and you’ll probably get a response in minutes.)

To register for one (or many!) of our free webinars, check out our complete schedule.

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