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Kashoo News

Report from Support (July Edition)

By July 28, 2014February 26th, 2019No Comments


It’s been a busy month here at Kashoo HQ, led primarily by the release of the new Kashoo iPhone app. (If you haven’t checked it out, download it now!) That said, here’s the latest from Kashoo Support…


There have been a number of inbound support queries that ask about what to do when single deposit at the bank comprised of several checks from several invoices gets lumped together. For example, say you go to the bank to deposit six $500 checks. On your bank statement, that might appear as a $3,000 deposit. But you need your bank statement to match your invoices. So your options are either…

  • At the bank, fill out a deposit slip for each check. In the example above, that’d be six deposit slips. (It’s obvious why that solution might not be all that awesome.)
  • Or… You can take advantage of the Undeposited Funds Account in the Kashoo web app. Here’s a quick video tutorial.


A few folks have asked recently about syncing Kashoo on their iPad or iPhone. Here’s a quick article on “Troubleshooting and Upgrading Your Kashoo iPad Application.”



Finally, a few Kashoo’ers have asked about inventory and how to handle it in the system. There are two methods to set this up in the Kashoo web app, explained here.





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