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Nikki Layton’s Report from Kashoo Support: iPhone, iPhone, iPhone!

By August 26, 2014December 6th, 2023No Comments

iPhoneThis month at the Kashoo Support desk it’s been iPhone, iPhone, iPhone! Folks have been emailing, chatting and calling in telling us what they like about the Kashoo iPhone app, what they’d love to see in the future, and asking lots of questions.

Here are a couple of tips to get the most out of the Kashoo iPhone app
  • Duplicate, delete and share swipe any transaction to the left and you will have a short cut to duplicate, delete or share the transaction. So whether you made a mistake, want to add another invoice that is similar or simply email it to a client, it’s simple just swipe to the left!
  • When you make a business purchase, take photo of the receipt and attach it in real time to an expense transaction in the Kashoo iPhone app. Hooray! No more wallets or purses full of receipts after a business trip!
We’ve also seen a few inbound Kashoo Support requests related to bank reconciliation and our new bank reconciliation report functionality. Check ’em out! And as always, shoot the Kashoo Support desk a note any time!
– Nikki
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