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Kashoo Reports from the Road: Sleeter 2013

By November 11, 2013February 26th, 2019No Comments

Last week, some of Team Kashoo (Banks included!) headed down to Las Vegas for the Sleeter Group’s 10th Annual Solutions Conference (#solutions13). And while we did get a few minutes to explore the city and some of what it has to offer (who knew there was a chocolate bar in Vegas?!?), the best part of our trip was chatting with literally hundreds of awesome accountants. Here are a few notes from the field…

  1. iPads are EVERYWHERE! The charging stations were the place to be, as folks stopped to charge up and talk about the latest apps they’re using or how great it is now that they can use their iPad during taxi, takeoff and descent.
  2. Accountants are helping their clients be more successful as business owners—beyond numbers and reports. In the opening keynote, Doug Sleeter talked about a recent survey in which 68% of small business owners reported looking to their accountants as a trusted advisors for tech advice, but only 38% got it. Accountants are embracing a diverse suite of technology solutions so that they can offer the best solution (like, *ahem*, Kashoo) to suit each client.
  3. From accountants to marketing consultants to software developers to bakers to landscapers, the “things that keep me up at night” are surprisingly (or not so surprisingly?) similar for small business owners across the board. How do I grow my business? How do I manage my staff? How do I hire? How do I increase profits and help my customers grow with me? These are just a few of the questions that were truly universal at Sleeter. And accountants at Sleeter were looking for solutions to these issues—not just for their own business, but to share with their clients as well.
6:15 AM Cardio Boot Camp lead by Sleeter’s own MB Raimondi.
6:15 AM Cardio Boot Camp lead by Sleeter’s own MB Raimondi!
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