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Kashoo Milestones: 100,000+ Registered Users, iPad App Surpasses 50,000 Downloads

By April 22, 2013December 6th, 2023No Comments

Last week was a big week here at Kashoo HQ. We cracked 100,000 registered users and the iPad app surpassed 50,000 downloads and made the front page of the App Store in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.

So what does that all mean? First it means thanks are in order. We are incredibly grateful for your support and participation in these milestones. Secondly, it means that, together, we are proving that simple cloud accounting is the way of the future. Small business accounting software that’s static and tied to your desktop isn’t conducive to today’s “anytime, anywhere” business owner. And it’s clear that tablets, particularly the iPad, are revolutionizing how small business tasks like accounting get done.

Thanks again (all 100,000-plus of you!) and stay tuned for more Kashoo goodness.

PS -If you haven’t upgraded your subscription, head over to the App Store and start getting the most out of Kashoo for just $49.99/year. It’s a limited time offer!

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