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Know and Grow Your Business

Elements of an Effective Elevator Pitch

By December 16, 2011June 28th, 2019No Comments

This is Part 3 of our series on writing your elevator pitch. So far, we’ve discussed the definition of an elevator pitch and started the journey of writing your own elevator pitch. We continue the elevator pitch development process with this post.

One business consultant advises entrepreneurs to include ‘The Nine C’s’ in their elevator pitches:

  1. Be Concise
  2. Be Clear
  3. Be Compelling
  4. Be Credible
  5. Make sure that your idea is Conceptual
  6. Be Concrete
  7. Be Consistent
  8. Customise your elevator pitch
  9. Be Conversational

Remember that the entire purpose is to get the attention of your listener or audience. The elevator pitch is just one step in the process of reaching the goal; delivering a full business plan comes later. Your elevator pitch should just ‘get to the point’.

It is also helpful at the end of your elevator pitch, when you are asking your listener to take the next step, that you give the listener two options from which to choose. ‘Would like to meet tomorrow, or would Thursday be better?’ ‘Would you prefer that I submit my full business plan to you by email, or would a hard copy by post be more convenient for you?’ Then your listener can choose one of the two options instead of saying ‘No’ to just one choice.

When writing your elevator pitch before you practice it, it is important to remember that effective elevator pitches are short. It is harder to write a short pitch than a long proposition, but your elevator pitch should be no longer than one minute, but it should also show your passion for your idea and your company.

It also could be helpful to develop a tagline for your business. A tagline encapsulates the core purpose or core product or service of your business, and it grabs the attention of your listener or audience. Your elevator pitch should also solve a problem or fill a need for your clients or customers, and then offer a unique solution with tangible benefits.

Lastly, your elevator pitch must end with a call to action for your listener or audience. What do you want them to do next: take a phone call, set up a meeting, or start the investing process?



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