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Know and Grow Your Business

Resources for Canadian Small Businesses

By November 23, 2015February 26th, 2019No Comments

I was lucky enough to spend some time this month with the team at Startup Canada – if you’re a Canadian small business owner, even if you’re past the startup stage, you’ve got to check this group out!

There are a TON of resources available to Canadian small businesses, so I’m here to share a few of them with you!

Startup Canada (yup, I know I just said this one!)

One of the largest advocate groups for small businesses in Canada. In-person events, twitter chats with #StartupChats, and more.

Conceirge Innovation (Government of Canada program)

From funding to advisors, this is a great resource centre for Canadian small businesses.


This one is BC-specific, but check for similar orgs across Canada. The BC Innovation Council has events, mentors, and resources for business owners.


Everything you wanted to know about innovative companies and their teams. Great resource centre for building relationships and new contacts.


Built by Canadian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, connecting Canadian businesses to VCs and other successful companies.

Have any other entrepreneur must-sees? Let us know!

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