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Kashoo Moves Up to Leader Status in Software Advice’s FrontRunner List

By November 16, 2017November 23rd, 2023No Comments

What do Startup Savant, GetApp, PC Mag, and G2 Crowd have in common? They’ve all recognized Kashoo as a market leader. We’re proud to announce Kashoo made the list of October 2017 Software Advice FrontRunners*.

Kashoo continues to earn consistently high marks from small business clients like you when it comes to ease-of-use and support. Our latest achievement shows how much our clients love us.


What is a FrontRunner?

Leader-Badge.pngSoftware Advice creates a list of FrontRunners, or market leaders in a particular category of software. They categorized Kashoo as a Leader in small business accounting software. Leaders offer an all-around strong product to a large customer base, instead of focusing on key features or specializing in one market segment.

Back in April we were recognized as a Contender, for more specialized software. Moving from a Contender to a Leader shows our commitment to create a product that does the most good for as many people as possible.

How Accounting Software is Scored

The designation is based on performance in two categories, capability and value. Scores are determined from user reviews on three Gartner sites (GetApp, Software Advice, and Capterra), available features, and size of customer base.

Because the scores rely heavily on user reviews, a higher score means users are happy with the software. This helps people weigh their choices and decide what meets their needs. This system is unlike publications, which often rely on the expertise of one person to decide how well software performs.

In addition to the score, the categories let potential users know what to expect. Leaders are all-around high performers, so small businesses with general needs looking for a good value will lean toward this category. Enterprise users looking for advanced functionality would look to the Masters.

Kashoo is a Leader for Tax Season

With the end of the year quickly approaching, everyone is scrambling to gather their expenses for tax season. This means it’s the best time to considering adding Kashoo to the mix!

With a cloud-based accounting software like Kashoo, you can easily track expenses on-the-fly and on-the-go. Just punch in your expense, snap a photo of your receipt, and never worry about missing out on deductions again! Not to mention the CRA now allows digital files in replacement of paper receipt copies. Kashoo makes the word “audit” seem stress-free and worry-less.

Dominate your field and choose an accounting software market leader to help you lead the way. You’ll be glad you did.

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*FrontRunners scores and graphics are derived from individual end-user reviews based on their own experiences, vendor-supplied information and publicly available product information; they do not represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates.

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