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Check Out the Enhanced Kashoo Web App

By November 19, 2014February 26th, 2019No Comments

We’re excited to unveil a fresh new update to the Kashoo web app! Let’s dive in and see what’s new…

More P&L Options

For your profit and loss report, you can now compare the prior 12 months to the current month, last quarter and the current quarter, and this month against last month. These comparisons can help you gauge business growth and make measured, informed decisions.

Visuals Enhancements and Increased Security

When you log in to the Kashoo web app, you’ll likely notice a number of visual changes. First off, we’ve completely revamped the dashboard to make it more user-friendly. Now it’s easier to get an instant view of your business’ financial health and the primary actions of generating invoices and expenses are front and center. Line items have a new distinct look too. And while it may seem trivial, we’ve updated the web app’s color scheme. Why is this important? In short, we wanted this color scheme to contribute to the user experience and the app’s usability. Carefully selected coloring facilitates instinctive action and our new contrasted approach should make it easier than ever for you to tackle your books—especially when it comes to entering expenses and creating invoices. Looking for a high contrast look? Click My Profile > Use higher contrast style to update.

On top of that, we’ve made the Kashoo web app fluid. That means that the app will scale according to your screen size. So whether you’re logged into the Kashoo web app on an small laptop or a glorious 27″ HD display monitor, Kashoo will make intelligent use of screen real estate and look great no matter what. The type (or font) also scales based on screen size which can be useful for folks who have their font size bumped up. Bottom line: easier viewing and reading for all!


On the security front, we’ve beefed things up in order to make sure that your data is even more safe and secure. (We’ll spare you the technical language here in this post, but if you want to know more, feel free to ping our Support Desk.)

So log in to Kashoo, take a look around, do some bookkeeping and let us know what you think!

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