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Know and Grow Your Business

A Conversation with Peter Shankman on the Customer Economy

By March 25, 2016December 1st, 2023No Comments

This week entrepreneur and author Peter Shankman hung out with us for an exclusive free guest webinar to talk about what he calls the customer economy. Tune in to the recording to hear real stories and questions from small business owners just like you about building customer loyalty, creating magical customer engagement moments, consumer expectations and how surprisingly simple it is to exceed them.

And as a quick little thank you to Peter for taking the time to chat with us, please check out Shankminds, an online-only group of select people, designed to help you grow to your next entrepreneurial level.

Interested in getting the inside scoop on future free guest webinars with some of the sharpest minds in the game? Email us and get on the list advance notice list!

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