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January 31, 2019

Filing Taxes as a Small Business Owner

Disclaimer: we are not tax experts! We’re here to help provide a general overview on the requirements, but everything may vary on your individual situation. We alwa...

July 3, 2018

5 Tips To Get Kashoo To Run As Smoothly As Possible

One of the biggest topics that our Success team guides new users on is how to set up their computers to run Kashoo as smoothly as possible. From bookmarking our log-in pa...

October 10, 2014

Getting Started with Accounting

First of all, congratulations! We know it’s taken you a lot of hard work, courage, and drive to get here. Now, regardless of what kind of company you’re runni...

November 4, 2013

What is a Trial Balance Import?

If you are coming from an existing accounting software or taking the leap out of the shoebox accounting method, the trial balance import is the recommended way to get sta...

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“Accounting 101 For Small Business Owners”

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