What are Absorbed Costs? GuidesPrinciples of Accounting November 21, 2014 What are Absorbed Costs? Do you manufacture a product as part of your business? Then you’re going to need to stay informed on the costs involved in the manufacturing process, if you want your… Kashoo Team Love2
What are Arrears in Accounting? GuidesPrinciples of Accounting November 12, 2014 What are Arrears in Accounting? "Your account is in arrears." What?!?! That can't be good! What does that mean? Take… Kashoo Team Love2
What is a Drawing Account? GuidesPrinciples of Accounting November 12, 2014 What is a Drawing Account? If you're doing business as a sole proprietorship or partnership, there will more than likely… Kashoo Team Love2
Invoice Tips: How Not to Follow Up Applying The KnowledgeGuides November 12, 2014 Invoice Tips: How Not to Follow Up Following up on an invoice is no easy task. For most folks—especially new business owners—it's… Kashoo Team Love1
What Is the Difference between a Bookkeeper and an Accountant? Accounting 101Guides November 5, 2014 What Is the Difference between a Bookkeeper and an Accountant? The roles of a bookkeeper and an accountant may overlap, but there are crucial differences between them. If you understand the differences, you can determine how these roles should be… Kashoo Team Love1
What is Working Capital and Why is it Important? Accounting BasicsGuidesPrinciples of Accounting November 3, 2014 What is Working Capital and Why is it Important? At a high level, working capital is the funds available to your company for use… Kashoo Team Love1
Often Overlooked Business Tax Deductions Applying The KnowledgeGuides October 31, 2014 Often Overlooked Business Tax Deductions If the fiscal year of your business ends with the end of the calendar year, it's not too early to start thinking about tax time, and more specifically, deductions. Business… Kashoo Team Love1
Appreciation vs Depreciation GuidesPrinciples of Accounting October 28, 2014 Appreciation vs Depreciation Appreciation and depreciation are fundamental principles to understand for any small business owner. Appreciation logs… Kashoo Team Love3
What are Good Bookkeeping Practices? Applying The KnowledgeGuides October 28, 2014 What are Good Bookkeeping Practices? Know what will help keep your business running like a beautiful machine? Good bookkeeping practices.… Kashoo Team Love3
What is Cost of Goods Sold? GuidesPrinciples of Accounting October 24, 2014 What is Cost of Goods Sold? Every business has a product or service to sell. No matter what it is that you're selling—or how much you're selling—you're going to want to get a handle of the… Kashoo Team Love1